Anarchie 2.0.1 Anarchie is the preeminent Internet FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client for the Macintosh. It lets you browse Internet FTP sites, upload or download files, or find files using an Archie search, Mac Search or Site Indexing. Anarchie is a mature, robust and reliable program suitable for everyone from power users to Internet novices. Anarchie requires System 7, MacTCP 1.1 or Open Transport 1.1, and is US$10 shareware. Version 2.0.1 is a free upgrade to registered users who registered after 1 Jan 1996. Users who registered prior to 1996 can upgrade and receive a 50% discount. anarchie-small-windows-2 Ä This patch simply changes the look of Anarchie's FTP windows to be exactly the same size as the Archie windows. This is very useful if you're like me and tend to have about ten bazillion transfers going on at once. The smaller windows _should_ show all the numbers correctly, but if you start transferring 100 meg files, the numbers won't all fit and will be truncated. InfoMac Bookmarks Some info-mac bookmarks to use in conjunction with anarchie.